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Saab Receives Orders for Carl-Gustaf ComponentsZoom Button

Foto: Saab Group, Informationen zu Creative Commons (CC) Lizenzen, für Pressemeldungen ist der Herausgeber verantwortlich, die Quelle ist der Herausgeber

Saab Receives Orders for Carl-Gustaf Components

Saab Receives Orders for Carl-Gustaf Components

Saab has received orders for components for the Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifle. The total order value is SEK 643 million and deliveries will take place during 2022 and 2023.

The industry’s nature is such that, depending on circumstances concerning the product and customer, further information regarding the customer will not be announced.

“We continue to support and strengthen our customers’ defence capabilities with our world-leading ground combat solutions. This order is further proof that our solutions meet our customers’ requirements”, says Görgen Johansson, head of Saab’s business area Dynamics.  

Man-portable and multi-role, the Carl-Gustaf weapon enables dismounted soldiers to deal with the challenges of the modern battlefield.

Saab Online

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